Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Interior Design Ideas

The magic of home decorating and design is that there are unlimited amounts of interior design ideas that can be used for various sections of your home, including your bedroom, wall designs, and home office, just to name a few.

Home Office Interior Design Ideas

First let's talk about interior design ideas for the work surfaces of your home office. The work surface you choose will depend primarily on what kind of work you do. For example, someone that utilizes a laptop as a primary tool for their business will design an entirely different surface than that of a person who works with heavy equipment.

"A Step Forward In Interior Design" by Carol Pollig-Ballweg is the consummate book on interior decorating for any situation. This book is unique and the only one of its kind anywhere.
interior design ideas

Will you be working at home full-time, or part-time? A full-time home worker will need a large desk that is built-in. On the other hand, apart-time worker may prefer a surface area that can be concealed when it is not being used.

Style is also another factor that comes into play with home office interior design ideas. This is especially true if your office is connected to part of the living area of another room.

Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

If you are fairly new to interior design and are still hunting down ideas for your bedroom, one of the most commonly overlooked interior design ideas is the use of porcelain flowers for decorations. Porcelain flowers can be crafted by using flowers that are made from silk or polyester. And for added beauty to the arrangement, why not use the same technique for porcelain bows?

Although not necessary, these types of flowers should be painted with a base coat of white aerosol paint (matte-finish). This will provide a decent background for all other color variations you might want to add to the body of the flowers. These decorative projects make excellent interior design ideas for baskets, vase arrangements, or even an inviting, grapevine wreath.

Interior Design Ideas For Your Walls

Designing the walls of your house, for each individual room or hallway style, is an entirely new set of interior design ideas that can really make a huge difference in the final outcome of your project.

Such interior design ideas include thick walls, which will give a sense of performance and solidity to the particular room structure. Next, you have what is called “deep-set windows”, which is when a window is set into an exterior wall that happens to be thicker than usual. This type of design can have a dramatic effect on the quality of light that enters the room.

The list of interior design ideas for your walls would not be complete without taking into consideration library walls and wall insets. Library walls can be created anywhere in the house by adding built-in bookshelves. And wall insets is a design that indents the wall around a specific piece of furniture or artwork. It is an absolutely beautiful way to create a center point of any room in your house.


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